Company >> Technology


The production facilities of JSC "Elma-Malachit" include a full range of growth equipment. The basis of the high quality of the final product, among other aspects, is the ability to control the production process at each stage, as well as the availability of an appropriate level of infrastructure.


In present time JSC "Elma-Malachit" is developing the production of epitaxial structures by MOCVD and HVPE. Technological equipment of both domestic and foreign production is available for the implementation of these methods.

In order to improve the quality of heteroepitaxial structures of A3B5 compounds, JSC "Elma-Malachit" is working on a project to create a combined technology based on atomic layer and MO-hydride epitaxy processes and a reactor for the implementation of this technology.


JSC Elma-Malahit" has all the necessary control and measuring equipment to ensure quality control of its products. The metrological equipment includes control systems for electrophysical, structural, optical properties and geometric parameters.